June 28, 2009

life today.

my laptop is feeling a little under the weather so i've been slackin a little with my blogging but hopefully she will be back to normal soon. for now i'll just do a picture-less post.
here are just a few things that are making me smile today.
my sister kady and her 3 kids are in town for a bit and we're loving every minute of having them here. it's been so fun to hang out, laugh, shop, and catch up. i love these kids so much. it's crazy how fast they are growing up. i'm loving their little personalities. today i took tessa for a ride so that she would take a little nap and i loved it. we were in the car for about 2 minutes before she was out cold but i kept driving. i loved looking in the rear view mirror and seeing her sleep. it's little moments like those that remind me how much the lord knows and loves each one of us. it's going to be YEARS before i'm ready to have children of my own but these kids make me so excited to be a mom ... someday.
i ran yet another 5k yesterday for west haven days and i didn't beat my last time but i felt a lot better after this race. i didn't have anyone really pushing me so i was pretty proud when i finished and realized i never stopped to walk to or take a break. pretty sweet. i took 3rd place in my age division and i got a medal. what will i ever do with a medal? who cares... i got a medal!
i leave for spokane on friday to visit colb and i'm super excited. i only get to go for the weekend but i can't wait to see him. to be honest the whole long-distance thing didn't really bother me when it first came up, i was sure i could keep myself busy and these four months would fly. well here i am. not nearly as busy as i had hoped and he's only half way done. but then again, he is half way done. he's working hard and trying to enjoy every minute. hopefully this weekend drags and after that the next two months can fly. my fingers are crossed.
i talked to the bank on friday about getting the money to fix my sad little car and they approved me. i'm kind of excited to get a new hood and bumper and to not have a caved in roof. i'm anxious to have it back to normal. i'm actually thinking about selling it once it's fixed. just for something new. we'll see.
colby and i are planning to attend the temple in spokane while i'm there and i can't wait. i love the feeling i get when i'm in the lord's house and more than that i love that i can bring that feeling home with me. what a blessing to have colby in my life and to have the chance to attend the temple with him. i love that he holds the priesthood and continually keeps himself worthy to do so. he's amazing. love him.
i bought a new pair of running shoes yesterday. the ones i usually wear are in decent shape but i bough them about 5 years ago and i thought i could use a little upgrade with all the running i've been doing. i can't wait to get out and run again. i'm secretly planning on bringing em to spokane so colb and i can run together. hopefully he's up for that.
i met with the bishop today to renew my recommend. he might be the coolest guy i've ever met. he truly loves his calling and cares about the people he is serving. what a great blessing to have someone so amazing over our ward. he's the greatest.
tomorrow all my siblings are heading to the aquatic center for a day in the sun. we went last year when kady came home for a visit and it was a blast. i can't believe it's almost july and i haven't been swimming yet. sun here i come.
well that's it for today. life is good, great, and wonderful. i'm loving every minute of it.


  1. Lib... you always get me teary-eyed! You are so sweet

    First of all, watching children sleep is the best thing in the world. It really brings life into persoective of what is important, doesn't it?

    Secondly, I LOVE that you have someone so great in your life. Being able to attend the temple with someone you're dating would be an amazing experience that part of me is jealous of. It makes me happy when two worthy people get together :-)

    Thrirdly, long distance SUCKS! I can sympathize with you. However, distance makes the heart grow fonder. The more you're apart, the more you can digest your feelings for him. And it makes your time together all the more memorable. It will be over soon enough :-)

    Love you Libs!

  2. Wow! It sure sounds like you're having a great summer...if you ever have time we need our girls night!

  3. Don't forget that your good friend Jana Schultz ran in that 5k race and kicked it old school. Did I beat you? I didn't know you were there so I wasn't watching for you. But I got a third place medal, too! Not bad for a granny....!
    Keep running like the devil is chasing you!
